Final Project

Due Date for Part 1: Tuesday, April 12, by 11:00am CDT

Due Date for Parts 2-4: Thursday, May 12, by 9:00am CDT

REST APIs: Endgame

You’ve previously created a REST API interface to ISS positional data. Expanding on that idea, the final project will build an interface to a new data set of your choosing, and it will add a few more interesting features. The final application will be deployed to the cloud (Kubernetes) and made publicly accessible.


As long as this warning message is here, the content below is subject to change. We will notify the class any time a substantial change is made.

PART 1: Pitch

Form groups of two or three students to work collaboratively on the final project. You may choose your own groups, or you may ask the instructors to assign you to a group. Please let us know what groups you are in, or if you would like to be assigned to a group ASAP.

The first part of the final project is to identify an interesting data set that you want to work on. The data set should be Engineering focused, broadly defined. The data set should also be amenable to CRUD operations and some sort of analysis (see below). There are several links at the bottom of this page to Engineering-focused data sets, but you may look elsewhere too. Once your group has identified a potential data set to work on, write up a ~1 page summary of the proposed title of your project, list of group members, and a description of the data. Then schedule a ~10 minute meeting with at least one of the instructors in order to “pitch” your project. We want to know what the source is of the data, see what the data looks like, and hear what is your proposal for working on the data.

PART 2: Code Repository

The final project will involve building a REST API front-end to a (preferably) time series data set that allows for basic CRUD - Create, Read, Update, Delete - operations and also allows users to submit analysis jobs. At a minimum, the application should support on the back-end an analysis job to create a plot of the data. It must be hosted on the Kubernetes cluster. Extra credit may be given if the application supports additional types of analysis jobs, deploys over multiple environments (test and prod), or has an innovative user interface. The application will consist of:

  • A front-end REST API with endpoints for each CRUD operation and for submitting a job to plot data and retrieving the resulting plot

  • At least two back-end workers to perform the analysis / plotting job(s)

  • A Redis database and queue for linking front-end and back-end processes

The project must also include a well-written README following all the guidelines given in previous class assignments. This README should emphasize two sections: instructions for deploying and testing the applicaiton, and instructions for using the application.

Other files including Kubernetes configuration files, Dockerfile(s), Makefile(s), and functional test file(s) will be expected (see rubric).

PART 3: Write Up

We are looking for a 10-11 page written document (as a PDF) describing the project. The written document should be verbose and targeted towards a non-user, but technically savvy layperson (e.g. one of your fellow engineering students who is not taking this class). Be sure to include narrative about the motivation of the project, why it is interesting or important to have the application you developed, a detailed description of the data (include citation), and you must include a short section on “Ethical and Professional Responsibilities in Engineering Situations”.

NEW REQUIREMENT: The write up must contain at least one design diagram showing the different parts of your software system and how they are connected. There should be supporting text to describe the diagram. We will cover some materials on creating design diagrams in future lectures.

PART 4: Video Demo

Prepare a < 10 minute video demo of the application. Use zoom to screen share and record your narration of the process. At a minimum, we want to see you deploy the application to Kubernetes, curl various routes to demonstrate CRUD operations, curl the appropriate routes to submit a an analysis job and retrieve and display the results, and highlight anything else you think is interesting or unique about your application.

What to Turn In

This Final project should be pushed into a standalone repo with a descriptive name. It should not be part of your existing homework repo. A sample Git repository may contain the following after completing the Final:

├── docker
│   ├── docker-compose.yml
│   ├── Dockerfile.api
│   └── Dockerfile.wrk
├── kubernetes
│   └── prod
│       ├── app-prod-api-deployment.yml
│       ├── app-prod-api-service.yml
│       ├── app-prod-db-deployment.yml
│       ├── app-prod-db-pvc.yml
│       ├── app-prod-db-service.yml
│       └── app-prod-wrk-deployment.yml
├── Makefile
├── requirements.txt
├── src
│   ├──
│   ├──        # you may or may not have this file, see note below
│   └──
└── test

Send an email to with the written PDF summary of the project attached plus a link to your new GitHub repository plus a link to download the zoom recording. Please include “Final Project” in the subject line. We will clone all of your repos at the due date / time for evaluation.


Note from Slack: There has been some confusion about whether or not to include in the final project, because I did not explicitly list that file under ‘what to turn in’ in the final project description. If you have it and it is part of your software system, then yes absolutely include it in the repo. We are usually careful to say “A sample git repo may contain…“, meaning the example we give is an example only, not set in stone. Some people may arrange their python functions into a file, and some people may not. It is dependent on your situation and how you choose to design your system. But yes, at the end of the day please commit and push every file that is an essential part of the whole system

Additional Resources