Homework 08

Due Date: Thursday, May 5, by 11:00am CDT

The GitHub Redemption

This final homework involves making corrections on your past seven homeworks. Over the course of the semester, we have emphasized organization, using descriptive titles in your READMEs, and not including large raw data files in the repos, among other things. This homework is your opportunity to go back through your first seven homeworks and give them one final polish.


  • Your homework repo should contain one very brief top-level README which mentions that this is a homework repo for this class.

  • Your top level repo should have exactly seven folders named “homework01” through “homework07” and nothing else. Naming must be consistent - i.e. don’t use a mix of “hw01” and “homework02” and “homework3”.

  • Each of the seven homework folders should have a README with a descriptive title, not “Homework N”. E.g. you might rename “Homework 01” to “Python Test Scripts” or something similar.

  • Each folder should include files necessary for the homework, and should not include superfluous or temporary files (e.g. anything ending in .swp, ~, __pycache__ folders, etc)

  • No need to edit any old Python scripts, Dockerfiles, YAML files - they will not be re-evaluated. The only files you should be editing for this are the READMEs. Everything else is just removing or renaming files and / or folders.

What to Turn In

Send an e-mail to wallen@tacc.utexas.edu when you’ve completed this homework. Please include a link to your GitHub repo in the body of the e-mail, and please include “Homework 08” in the subject line.