XML Reference

This reference guide is designed to introduce you to XML syntax. XML (Extensible Markup Language) was designed as a way to store, transmit, and reconstruct arbitrary data sets, particularly over the internet. You’ll sometimes see it as standalone documents, or as streaming data without a definite endpoint. For this class, we will focus on the standalone documents / datasets.

XML Basics

Much like JSON, XML can be used to store arbitrary data sets in a dictionary-esque format of key:value pairs. However, there are a few key differences between XML and JSON:

  1. XML is typeless, essentially everything is a string

  2. XML documents support comments

  3. XML documents require exactly one “root” element, so the data structure of a dictionary with one key, whose value is a list of dictionaries needs a slight modification in order to be valid JSON (as we will see below)

A valid XML document takes the form:


Keys always come as a pair of start-tag (<key1>) and end-tag (</key1>) markups surrounding a plain text value (value1). In the above example, the root-level key data was required to make this valid XML. Without it, the keys key1 and key2 would be at the same root level, which is invalid. The same data shown above in JSON format would appear as:

  "data": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"

Things get a little tricky with our favorite data structure, a dictionary with one key, whose value is a list of dictionaries. This is because of the way XML represents lists of dictionaries. Consider the following snippet of JSON data:

  "instructors": [
      "firstname": "joe",
      "lastname": "allen",
      "id": 123
      "firstname": "charlie",
      "lastname": "dey",
      "id": 456
      "firstname": "joe",
      "lastname": "stubbs",
      "id": 789

If we try to translate this directly to XML, it would take the form:


The instructors key appears multiple times at the root level, once for each element in the list. In XML, you cannot have multiple roots, even if it is the same root repeated more than once. You need exactly one root only. A simple trick to fix this is to create a new dictionary with one key, e.g. “data”, whose value is the other dictionary. Doing so would slightly change the XML to a valid format:



Check out the list of meteorite landing sites we worked with in the JSON section, but now in XML format here.

Read XML from File

Here we will focus on the “document object model” for parsing XML, which means we will read in one XML document and parse the entire thing as a whole. (This works for reasonably small files that can fit in memory).

Note that the Python3 standard library has an XML module, but it does not have a method for transforming XML objects to dictionaries. Since most of what we do in this class uses JSON and dictionaries, let’s instead use the xmltodict Python module which works directly in dictionary space.


Install the xmltodict library before proceeding:

[isp02]$ pip3 install --user xmltodict

You can read in an XML file (e.g. the Meteorite Landings data linked above) and store it as a dictionary as follows:

import xmltodict

with open('Meteorite_Landings.xml', 'r') as f:
    data = xmltodict.parse(f.read())

Then to access the data within that dictionary, remember to include an extra key for the root-level, which we added in to make valid XML. For example, you could call out the first meteorite in the list with the following:



The original Meteorite Landings data had the key mass (g). The open and close parentheses () are invalid characters when it comes to XML tags. The data linked above was modified to use the key mass_g instead. Don’t be surprised when working with datasets if you have to make manual modifications to the data in order to make it valid in a particular format.

Write XML to File

As mentioned above, a dictionary must have exactly one “root” element in order to write valid XML. The following example below assembles a dictionary with multiple keys at the root level (“class”, “title”, “subjects”). In fact the following code will yield an error:

 1import xmltodict
 3data = {}
 4data['class'] = 'COE332'
 5data['title'] = 'Software Engineering and Design'
 6data['subjects'] = []
 7data['subjects'].append( {'unit': 1, 'topic': ['linux', 'python3', 'git']} )
 8data['subjects'].append( {'unit': 2, 'topic': ['json', 'csv', 'xml', 'yaml']} )
10with open('class.xml', 'w') as o:
11    o.write(xmltodict.unparse(data, pretty=True))


ValueError: Document must have exactly one root.

To get this to work, you need to modify the above script to create a new dictionary, e.g. “root”, with exactly one key, e.g. “data”, whose value is the entire data dictionary:

 1import xmltodict
 3data = {}
 4data['class'] = 'COE332'
 5data['title'] = 'Software Engineering and Design'
 6data['subjects'] = []
 7data['subjects'].append( {'unit': 1, 'topic': ['linux', 'python3', 'git']} )
 8data['subjects'].append( {'unit': 2, 'topic': ['json', 'csv', 'xml', 'yaml']} )
10root = {}
11root['data'] = data
13with open('class.xml', 'w') as o:
14    o.write(xmltodict.unparse(root, pretty=True))


     <title>Software Engineering and Design</title>

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