
In this module, we discuss the Kubernetes abstraction called “deployments”. After working through this module, students should be able to:

  • Explain the types of workloads that should be scheduled using the deployment abstraction in Kubernetes.

  • Describe a deployment in a yaml file and schedule the deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using kubectl.

  • Exec into a pod within a deployment and scale the pods associated with a deployment.

  • Define an image naming and tagging scheme to manage the development and deployment lifecycle of an application.

  • Utilize Kubernetes mounts, volumes and persistent volume claims to persist application data across pod/container restarts.

Introduction to Deployments

Deployments are an abstraction and resource type in Kubernetes that can be used to represent long-running application components, such as databases, REST APIs, web servers, or asynchronous worker programs. The key idea with deployments is that they should always be running.

Imagine a program that runs a web server for a blog site. The blog website should always be available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If the blog web server program crashes, it would ideally be restarted immediately so that the blog site becomes available again. This is the main idea behind deployments.

Deployments are defined with a pod definition and a replication strategy, such as, “run 3 instances of this pod across the cluster” or “run an instance of this pod on every worker node in the k8s cluster.”

For this class, we will define deployments for our flask application and its associated components, as deployments come with a number of advantages over defining “raw” pods. Deployments:

  • Can be used to run multiple instances of a pod, to allow for more computing to meet demands put on a system.

  • Are actively monitored by k8s for health – if a pod in a deployment crashes or is otherwise deemed unhealthy, k8s will try to start a new one automatically.

Creating a Basic Deployment

We will use yaml to describe a deployment just like we did in the case of pods. Copy and paste the following into a file called deployment-basic.yml

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-deployment
    app: hello-app
  replicas: 1
      app: hello-app
        app: hello-app
        - name: hellos
          image: ubuntu:18.04
          command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello, Kubernetes!" && sleep 3600']

Let’s break this down. Recall that the top four attributes are common to all k8s resource descriptions, however it is worth noting:

  • apiVersion – We need to use version apps/v1 here. In k8s, different functionalities are packaged into different APIs. Deployments are part of the apps/v1 API, so we must specify that here.

  • metadata – The gives our deployment object a name. This part is similar to when we defined pods. We are also using labels. Recall that k8s uses labels to allow objects to refer to other objects in a decoupled way. A label in k8s is nothing more than a name: value pair that users create to organize objects and add information meaningful to the user. In this case, app is the name and hello-app is the value. Conceptually, you can think of label names like variables and labels values as the value for the variable. In some other deployment, we may choose to use label app: profiles to indicate that the deployment is for the “profiles” app.

Let’s look at the spec stanza for the deployment above.

  • replicas – Defines how many pods we want running at a time for this deployment, in this case, we are asking that just 1 pod be running at a time.

  • selector – This is how we tell k8s where to find the pods to manage for the deployment. Note we are using labels again here, the app: hello-app label in particular.

  • template – Deployments match one or more pod descriptions defined in the template. Note that in the metadata of the template, we provide the same label (app: hello-app) as we did in the matchLabels stanza of the selector. This tells k8s that this spec is part of the deployment.

  • template.spec – This is a pod spec, just like we worked with last time.


If the labels, selectors and matchLables seems confusing and complicated, that’s understandable. These semantics allow for complex deployments that dynamically match different pods, but for the deployments in this class, you will not need this extra complexity. As long as you ensure the label in the template is the same as the label in the selector.matchLables your deployments will work. It’s worth pointing out that the first use of the app: hello-app label for the deployment itself (lines 5 and 6 of the yaml) could be removed without impacting the end result.

We create a deployment in k8s using the apply command, just like when creating a pod:

$ kubectl apply -f deployment-basic.yml

If all went well, k8s response should look like:

deployment.apps/hello-deployment created

We can list deployments, just like we listed pods:

$ kubectl get deployments
  hello-deployment   1/1     1            1           1m

We can also list pods, and here we see that k8s has created a pod for our deployment for us:

$ kubectl get pods
  NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  hello                              1/1     Running   0          29m
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-kms7p   1/1     Running   0          1m

Note that we see our “hello” pod from earlier as well as the pod “hello-deployment-9794b4889-kms7p” that k8s created for our deployment. We can use all the kubectl commands associated with pods, including listing, describing and getting the logs. In particular, the logs for our “hello-deployment-9794b4889-kms7p” pod prints the same “Hello, Kubernetes!” message, just as was the case with our first pod.

Deleting Pods

However, there is a fundamental difference between the “hello” pod we created before and our “hello” deployment which we have alluded to. This difference can be seen when we delete pods.

To delete a pod, we use the kubectl delete pods <pod_name> command. Let’s first delete our hello deployment pod:

$ kubectl delete pods hello-deployment-9794b4889-kms7p

It might take a little while for the response to come back, but when it does you should see:

pod "hello-deployment-9794b4889-kms7p" deleted

If we then immediately list the pods, we see something interesting:

$ kubectl get pods
  NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  hello                              1/1     Running   0         33m
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-sx6jc   1/1     Running   0          9s

We see a new pod (in this case, “hello-deployment-9794b4889-sx6jc”) was created and started by k8s for our hello deployment automatically! k8s did this because we instructed it that we wanted 1 replica pod to be running in the deployment’s spec – this was the desired state – and when that didn’t match the actual state (0 pods) k8s worked to change it. Remember, deployments are for programs that should always be running.

What do you expect to happen if we delete the original “hello” pod? Will k8s start a new one? Let’s try it

$ kubectl delete pods hello
  pod "hello" deleted

$ kubectl get pods
  NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-sx6jc   1/1     Running   0          4m

k8s did not start a new one. This “automatic self-healing” is one of the major difference between deployments and pods.

Scaling a Deployment

If we want to change the number of pods k8s runs for our deployment, we simply update the replicas attribute in our deployment file and apply the changes. Let’s modify our “hello” deployment to run 4 pods. Modify deployment-basic.yml as follows:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-deployment
    app: hello-app
  replicas: 4
      app: hello-app
        app: hello-app
        - name: hellos
          image: ubuntu:18.04
          command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello, Kubernetes!" && sleep 3600']

Apply the changes with:

$ kubectl apply -f deployment-basic.yml
  deployment.apps/hello-deployment configured

When we list pods, we see k8s has quickly implemented our requested change:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-deployment-9794b4889-mk6qw   1/1     Running   0          11s
hello-deployment-9794b4889-sx6jc   1/1     Running   0          15m
hello-deployment-9794b4889-v2mb9   1/1     Running   0          11s
hello-deployment-9794b4889-vp6mp   1/1     Running   0          11s


  1. Delete several of the hello deployment pods and see what happens.

  2. Scale the number of pods associated with the hello deployment back down to 1.

Updating Deployments with New Images

When we have made changes to the software or other aspects of a container image and we are ready to deploy the new version to k8s, we have to update the pods making up the corresponding deployment. We will use two different strategies, one for our “test” environment and one for “production”.

Test Environments

A standard practice in software engineering is to maintain one or more “pre-production” environments, often times called “test” or “quality assurance” environments. These environments look similar to the “real” production environment where actual users will interact with the software, but few if any real users have access to them. The idea is that software developers can deploy new changes to a test environment and see if they work without the risk of potentially breaking the software for real users if they encounter unexpected issues.

Test environments are essential to maintaining quality software, and every major software project the Cloud and Interactive Computing group at TACC develops makes use of multiple test environments. We will have you create separate test and production environments as part of building the final project in this class.

It is also common practice to deploy changes to the test environment often, as soon as code is ready and tests are passing on a developer’s laptop. We deploy changes to our test environments dozens of times a day while a large enterprise like Google may deploy many thousands of times a day. We will learn more about test environments and automated deployment strategies in the Continuous Integration section.

Image Management and Tagging

As you have seen, the tag associated with a Docker image is the string after the : in the name. For example, `ubuntu:18.04 has a tag of 18.04 representing the version of Ubuntu packaged in the image, while jstubbs/hello-flask:dev has a tag of dev, in this case indicating that the image was built from the dev branch of the corresponding git repository. Use of tags should be deliberate and is an important detail in a well designed software development release cycle.

Once you have created a deployment for a pod with a given image, there are two basic approaches to deploying an updated version of the container images to k8s:

  1. Use a new image tag or

  2. Use the same image tag and instruct k8s to download the image again.

Using new tags is useful and important whenever you may want to be able to recover or revert back to the previous image, but on the other hand, it can be tedious to update the tag every time there is a minor change to a software image.

Therefore, we suggest the following guidelines for image tagging:

  1. During development when rapidly iterating and making frequent deployments, use a tag such as dev to indicate the image represents a development version of the software (and is not suitable for production) and simply overwrite the image tag with new changes. Instruct k8s to always try to download a new version of this tag whenever it creates a pod for the given deployment (see next section).

  2. Once the primary development has completed and the code is ready for end-to-end testing and evaluation, begin to use new tags for each change. These are sometimes called “release candidates” and therefore, a tagging scheme such as rc1, rc2, rc3, etc., can be used for tagging each release candidate.

  3. Once testing has completed and the software is ready to be deployed to production, tag the image with the version of the software. There are a number of different schemes for versioning software, such as Semantic Versioning (, which will discuss later in the semester, time permitting.


When defining a deployment, we can specify an ImagePullPolicy which instructs k8s about when and how to download the image associated with the pod definition. For our test environments, we will instruct k8s to always try and download a new version of the image whenever it creates a new pod. We do this by specifying imagePullPolicy: Always in our deployment.

For example, we can add imagePullPolicy: Always to our hello-deployment as follows:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-deployment
    app: hello-app
  replicas: 1
      app: hello-app
        app: hello-app
        - name: hellos
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          image: ubuntu:18.04
          command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello, Kubernetes!" && sleep 3600']

and now k8s will always try to download the latest version of ubuntu:18.04 from Docker Hub every time it creates a new pod for this deployment. As discussed above, using imagePullPolicy: Always is nice during active development because you ensure k8s is always deploying the latest version of your code. Other possible values include IfNotPresent (the current default) which instructs k8s to only pull the image if it doesn’t already exist on the worker node. This is the proper setting for a production deployment in most cases.

Deleting Pods to Update the Deployment

Note that if we have an update to our :dev image and we have set imagePullPolicy: Always on our deployment, all we have to do is delete the existing pods in the deployment to get the updated version deployed: as soon as we delete the pods, k8s will determine that an insufficient number of pods are running and try to start new ones. The imagePullPolicy instructs k8s to first try and download a newer version of the image.

Mounts, Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims

Some applications such as databases need access to storage where they can save data that will persist across container starts and stops. We saw how to solve this with Docker using a host bind mount. With k8s, the pods (containers) get started automatically for us on different nodes in the clusters, so a mount from a host won’t work. Which host would we use to store the files to be persisted?

The solution in k8s involves a combination of what are called volume mounts, volumes and persistent volume claims. The basic idea is similar to that of a Docker host bind mount – we’ll be replacing some location in the container image with some data stored outside of the container. But in order to handle the fact that the application container could get started on different compute nodes, we’ll utilize a backend “storage resource” which provides block storage over a network.

Create a new file, deployment-pvc.yml, with the following contents, replacing “<username>” with your username:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-pvc-deployment
    app: hello-pvc-app
  replicas: 1
      app: hello-pvc-app
        app: hello-pvc-app
        - name: hellos
          image: ubuntu:18.04
          command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello, Kubernetes!" >> /data/out.txt && sleep 3600']
          - name: hello-<username>-data
            mountPath: "/data"
      - name: hello-<username>-data
          claimName: hello-<username>-data


Be sure to replace <username> with your actual username in the YAML above.

We have added a volumeMounts stanza to spec.containers and we added a volumes stanza to the spec. These have the following effects:

  • The volumeMounts include a mountPath attribute whose value should be the path in the container that is to be provided by a volume instead of what might possibly be contained in the image at that path. Whatever is provided by the volume will overwrite anything in the image at that location.

  • The volumes stanza states that a volume with a given name should be fulfilled with a specific persistentVolumeClaim. Since the volume name (hello-<username>-data) matches the name in the volumeMounts stanza, this volume will be used for the volumeMount.

  • In k8s, a persistent volume claim makes a request for some storage from a storage resource configured by the k8s administrator in advance. While complex, this system supports a variety of storage systems without requiring the application engineer to know details about the storage implementation.

Note also that we have changed the command to redirect the output of the echo command to the file /data/out.txt. This means that we should not expect to see the output in the logs for pod but instead in the file inside the container.

However, if we create this new deployment and then list pods we see something curious:

$ kubectl apply -f deployment-pvc.yml
$ kubectl get pods
  NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-mk6qw        1/1     Running   1          62m
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-sx6jc        1/1     Running   1          78m
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-v2mb9        1/1     Running   1          62m
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-vp6mp        1/1     Running   1          62m
  hello-pvc-deployment-74f985fffb-g9zd7   0/1     Pending   0          4m22s

Our “hello-deployment” pods are still running fine but our new “hello-pvc-deployment” pod is still in “Pending” status. It appears to be stuck. What could be wrong?

We can ask k8s to describe that pod to get more details:

$ kubectl describe pods hello-pvc-deployment-74f985fffb-g9zd7
  Name:           hello-pvc-deployment-74f985fffb-g9zd7
  Namespace:      designsafe-jupyter-stage
  Priority:       0
  Node:           <none>
  Labels:         app=hello-pvc-app
  <... some output omitted ...>
  Tolerations: op=Exists for 300s
          op=Exists for 300s

    Type     Reason            Age   From               Message
    ----     ------            ----  ----               -------
    Warning  FailedScheduling  63s   default-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: 1 persistentvolumeclaim "hello-jstubbs-data" not found.

At the bottom we see the “Events” section contains a clue: persistentvolumeclaim “hello-jstubbs-data” not found.

This is our problem. We told k8s to fill a volume with a persistent volume claim named “hello-jstubbs-data” but we never created that persistent volume claim. Let’s do that now!

Open up a file called hello-pvc.yml and copy the following contents, being sure to replace <username> with your TACC username:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: hello-<username>-data
    - ReadWriteOnce
  storageClassName: nfs
      storage: 1Gi


Again, be sure to replace <username> with your actual username in the YAML above.

We will use this file to create a persistent volume claim against the storage that has been set up in the TACC k8s cluster. In order to use this storage, you do need to know the storage class (in this case, “nfs”, which is the storage class for utilizing the NFS storage system), and how much you want to request (in this case, just 1 Gig), but you don’t need to know how the storage was implemented.


Different k8s clusters may offer persistent storage that utilize different storage classes. Within TACC, we also have k8s clusters that utilize the rbd storage class, for example. Be sure to check with the k8s administrators to see what storage class(es) might be available.

We create this pvc object with the usual kubectl apply command:

$ kubectl apply -f hello-pvc.yml
  persistentvolumeclaim/hello-jstubbs-data created

Great, with the pvc created, let’s check back on our pods:

$ kubectl get pods
  NAME                                    READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-mk6qw        1/1     Running       46         46h
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-sx6jc        1/1     Running       46         46h
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-v2mb9        1/1     Running       46         46h
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-vp6mp        1/1     Running       46         46h
  hello-pvc-deployment-ff5759b64-sc7dk    1/1     Running       0          45s

Like magic, our “hello-pvc-deployment” now has a running pod without us making any additional API calls to k8s! This is the power of the declarative aspect of k8s. When we created the hello-pvc-deployment, we told k8s to always keep one pod with the properties specified running at all times, if possible, and k8s continues to try and implement our wishes until we instruct it to do otherwise.


You cannot scale a pod with a volume filled by a persistent volume claim.

Exec Commands in a Running Pod

Because the command running within the “hello-pvc-deployment” pod redirected the echo statement to a file, the hello-pvc-deployment-ff5759b64-sc7dk will have no logs. (You can confirm this is the case for yourself using the logs command as an exercise).

In cases like these, it can be helpful to run additional commands in a running pod to explore what is going on. In particular, it is often useful to run shell in the pod container.

In general, one can run a command in a pod using the following:

$ kubectl exec <options> <pod_name> -- <command>

To run a shell, we will use:

$ kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -- /bin/bash

The -it flags might look familiar from Docker – they allow us to “attach” our standard input and output to the command we run in the container. The command we want to run is /bin/bash for a shell.

Let’s exec a shell in our “hello-pvc-deployment-ff5759b64-sc7dk” pod and look around:

$ k exec -it  hello-pvc-deployment-5b7d9775cb-xspn7 -- /bin/bash

Notice how the shell prompt changes after we issue the exec command – we are now “inside” the container, and our prompt has changed to “root@hello-pvc-deployment-5b7d9775cb-xspn” to indicate we are the root user within the container.

Let’s issue some commands to look around:

$ pwd
  # cool, exec put us at the root of the container's file system

$ ls -l
  total 8
  drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 4096 Jan 18 21:03 bin
  drwxr-xr-x   2 root root    6 Apr 24  2018 boot
  drwxr-xr-x   3 root root 4096 Mar  4 01:06 data
  drwxr-xr-x   5 root root  360 Mar  4 01:12 dev
  drwxr-xr-x   1 root root   66 Mar  4 01:12 etc
  drwxr-xr-x   2 root root    6 Apr 24  2018 home
  drwxr-xr-x   8 root root   96 May 23  2017 lib
  drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   34 Jan 18 21:03 lib64
  drwxr-xr-x   2 root root    6 Jan 18 21:02 media
  drwxr-xr-x   2 root root    6 Jan 18 21:02 mnt
  drwxr-xr-x   2 root root    6 Jan 18 21:02 opt
  dr-xr-xr-x 887 root root    0 Mar  4 01:12 proc
  drwx------   2 root root   37 Jan 18 21:03 root
  drwxr-xr-x   1 root root   21 Mar  4 01:12 run
  drwxr-xr-x   1 root root   21 Jan 21 03:38 sbin
  drwxr-xr-x   2 root root    6 Jan 18 21:02 srv
  dr-xr-xr-x  13 root root    0 May  5  2020 sys
  drwxrwxrwt   2 root root    6 Jan 18 21:03 tmp
  drwxr-xr-x   1 root root   18 Jan 18 21:02 usr
  drwxr-xr-x   1 root root   17 Jan 18 21:03 var
  # as expected, a vanilla linux file system.
  # we see the /data directory we mounted from the volume...

$ ls -l data/out.txt
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19 Mar  4 01:12 data/out.txt
  # and there is out.txt, as expected

$ cat data/out.txt
  Hello, Kubernetes!
  # and our hello message!

$ exit
  # we're ready to leave the pod container


To exit a pod from within a shell (i.e., /bin/bash) type “exit” at the command prompt.


The exec command can only be used to execute commands in running pods.

Persistent Volumes Are… Persistent

The point of persistent volumes is that they live beyond the length of one pod. Let’s see this in action. Do the following:

  1. Delete the “hello-pvc” pod. What command do you use?

  2. After the pod is deleted, list the pods again. What do you notice?

  3. What contents do you expect to find in the /data/out.txt file? Confirm your suspicions.


$ kubectl delete pods hello-pvc-deployment-5b7d9775cb-xspn7
  pod "hello-pvc-deployment-5b7d9775cb-xspn7" deleted

$ kubectl get pods
  NAME                                    READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-mk6qw        1/1     Running             47         47h
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-sx6jc        1/1     Running             47         47h
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-v2mb9        1/1     Running             47         47h
  hello-deployment-9794b4889-vp6mp        1/1     Running             47         47h
  hello-pvc-deployment-5b7d9775cb-7nfhv   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          46s
  # wild -- a new hello-pvc-deployment pod is getting created automatically!

# let's exec into the new pod and check it out!
$ k exec -it hello-pvc-deployment-5b7d9775cb-7nfhv -- /bin/bash

$ cat /data/out.txt
  Hello, Kubernetes!
  Hello, Kubernetes!


Deleting a persistent volume claim deletes all data contained in all volumes filled by the PVC permanently! This cannot be undone and the data cannot be recovered!

Additional Resources