Deployment Environment

Our deployment environment for this API will be the class Kubernetes cluster. It could just as easily be AWS, or Azure, or Google Cloud, or another Kubernetes cluster. Remember if you containerize everything, it becomes extremely portable. In contrast to our development environment, the Kubernetes deployment is meant to be long-lasting, highly available, and consumable by the public. We will have test and prod deployments, so that new changes can be seen by developers in the test deployment environment (sometimes also called “staging”) before finally making their way to the prod (production) deployment environment. After going through this module, students should be able to:

  • Name and organize YAML files for test and prod deployments of a software system

  • Sync files between two remote copies of a Git repository

  • Version code following semantic versioning specification

  • Attach a NodePort service to an API deployment

  • Deploy production and test copies of software system in Kubernetes

File Organization

To support the deployment environment (prod and test), our file tree may grow to something similar to the following:

├── data
│   └── dump.rdb
├── docker
│   ├── Dockerfile.api
│   └── Dockerfile.wrk
├── kubernetes
│   ├── prod
│   │   ├── api-deployment.yml
│   │   ├── api-service.yml
│   │   ├── db-deployment.yml
│   │   ├── db-pvc.yml
│   │   ├── db-service.yml
│   │   └── wrk-deployment.yml
│   └── test
│       ├── api-deployment.yml
│       ├── api-service.yml
│       ├── db-deployment.yml
│       ├── db-pvc.yml
│       ├── db-service.yml
│       └── wrk-deployment.yml
├── Makefile
└── src

In this example, you will find 12 new YAML files with somewhat descriptive names. Six are organized into a ‘test’ directory, and six are organized into a ‘prod’ directory, although there are other acceptable ways to organize these files.

These YAML files closely follow the naming convention and content we have seen in previous lectures. There are three deployments - one each for the API, database, and worker. There are two services - one each for the API and database. And, there is a persistent volume claim (PVC) for the database. Without looking into the contents of the files, it is clear what function each serves, and it is clear that there is one-to-one correspondence between the test and prod deployments.

Test Deployment

The purpose of this testing / staging environment is to see the entire API exactly as it appears in production before actually putting new code changes into production.

Generally the process to get code into testing follows these steps:

  1. Develop / test code in the development environment (ISP) as described in the previous module

  2. Push code to GitHub and tag it with an appropriate version number (avoid using “latest” - see Versioning section below)

  3. Push images to Docker Hub - Kubernetes needs to pull from here. Make sure the Docker image tag matches the GitHub tag so you always know what exact version of code is running.

  4. Edit the appropriate testing deployment(s) with the new tags and apply the changes. Pods running within a deployment under the old tag number should be automatically terminated.

The yaml files above can be applied one by one, or the entire directory at a time like the following:

[kube-2]$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/test/

Kubernetes will apply all the files found in the test folder. Be careful, however, about the order in which things are applied. For example, the Redis DB deployment needs the PVC to exist in order to deploy successfully. But, Kubernetes is usually pretty smart about this kind of thing, so it should keep retrying all deployments, services, and PVCs until everything is happy and connected.

Once deployed, you should rigorously test all services using the Python debug pod and, if applicable, the NodePort Service connection to the outside world. We will see more on automating integration tests later in this unit.

Syncing Git Repos

A challenge you might encounter while working between the class VM (ISP) and the Kubernetes cluster (kube-2) is keeping your Git repository in sync. If you are doing most of your development ISP, you will need to commit and push those files to GitHub, then clone them on to kube-2. In practice, we will likely be editing different sets of files on the two machines (YAML files on kube-2, everything else on ISP), but it is a good idea to stay organized and keep everything in sync. A sample workflow may resemble:

  1. Imagine the repository on GitHub is newly cloned to ISP and kube-2, and everything is in sync. Then, edit some files on ISP, commit changes, and push to GitHub:

[isp02]$ git add .
[isp02]$ git commit -m "message"
[isp02]$ git push
  1. Now we would say GitHub is one commit ahead of the remote repository on kube-2. Log in to kube-2, and pull in the remote changes:

[kube-2]$ git remote update
[kube-2]$ git pull
  1. Everything is back in sync again. Next, edit some files on kube-2, commit changes, and push to GitHub:

[kube-2]$ git add .
[kube-2]$ git commit -m "message"
[kube-2]$ git push
  1. Now we would say GitHub is one commit ahead of the report repository on ISP. Log back in to ISP, and pull in the remote changes:

[isp02]$ git remote update
[isp02]$ git pull

Finally the origin (GitHub) and both remote copies of the repository are in sync again. This strategy works not only for keeping copies of your own repository in sync between multiple machines, but it also works for collaborating with others on a repository. (Although there are better ways to collaborate).


Remember to keep remote repos synced with GitHub.


We have not spent much time discussing versioning in this class other than to see do not use the tag ‘latest’ when versioning your repos or Docker images. There is a well-accepted standard for versioning called ‘Semantic Versioning’. It follows the specification:

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,

  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and

  • PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

You can assign a tag to the current state of a repository on the command line by doing:

[isp02]$ git tag -a 0.1.0 -m "first release"
[isp02]$ git push origin 0.1.0


Do you have a new software system that just kind of works and has a little bit of functionality, but you don’t know what version tag to assign it? A good place to start is version 0.1.0.

NodePort Service

So far we have only been able to interact with our deployed APIs via another pod that is running on the Kubernetes cluster. We can also reach our deployed APIs from the outside world (public URLs) using a NodePort Service.

In Kubernetes, a range of ports, called NodePorts, are open on every node of the cluster. We have assigned two unique ports to each student (for test and prod), and proxied those ports to two public URLs, exposing your test and prod APIs to the outside world.

On the Kubernetes cluster, we created a file called portinfo in each student’s home directories. Cat the file to see the contents (every student’s file is slightly different):

[kube-2]$ cat ~/portinfo
docker port: 5042
kube port 1: 30042
kube port 2: 30142
public url 1: ""
public url 2: ""

The important info from the example above is that using NodePort 30042 will expose an interface to the API at public URL, and using NodePort 30142 will expose an interface to the API at public URL In practice, one of these ports should be attached to your test deployment, and the other should be attached to your production deployment.

An example NodePort service YAML file may include (be sure to use an app selector that matches the correct deployment):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: hello-service
  type: NodePort
    app: hello-app
  - name: hello-app
    port: 5000
    targetPort: 5000
    nodePort: 30042

Production Deployment

If everything with the test / staging deployment looks good and passes tests, follow the same steps for your production environment. Kubernetes is fast at stopping / starting containers, and the services should provide pretty seamless access to the underlying API. If larger-scale changes are needed and significant downtime is anticipated, it would be a good idea to post an outage notice to users.

Additional Resources