Integration Testing

Unlike unit tests, integration tests exercise multiple components, functions, or units of a software system at once. Some properties of integration tests include:

  • Each test targets a higher-level capability, requirement or behavior of the system, and exercises multiple components of the system working together.

  • Broader scope means fewer tests are required to cover the entire application/system.

  • A given test failure provides more limited information as to the root cause.

It’s worth pointing out that our definition of integration test leaves some ambiguity. You will also see the term “functional tests” used for tests the exercise entire aspects of a software system. After going through this module, students should be able to:

  • Identify Python frameworks for integration testing

  • Identify aspects of a software system that should be tested with integration testing

  • Use the Python requests library to interact with the API of your software system

  • Write and execute useful integration tests using pytest and assert statements

Challenges When Writing Integration Tests

Integration tests against large, distributed systems with lots of components that interact face some challenges.

  • We want to keep tests independent so that a single test can be run without its result depending on other tests.

  • Most interesting applications change “state” in some way over time; e.g., files are saved/updated, database records are written, queue systems updated. In order to properly test the system, specific state must be established before and after a test (for example, inserting a record into a database before testing the “update” function).

  • Some components have external interactions, such as an email server, a component that makes an update in an external system (e.g. GitHub) etc. A decision has to be made about whether or not this functionality will be validated in the test and if so, how.

Initial Integration Tests for Our Flask API

For our first set of integration tests, we’ll use the following strategy:

  • Start the Flask API, Redis DB, and Worker services

  • Use pytest and requests to make requests directly to the running API server

  • Check various aspects of the response; each check can be done with a simple assert statement, just like for unit tests

A Simple pytest Example

Similar to unit tests, we will use assert statements to check that some input data or command returns the expected result. A simple example of using pytest might look like:

1import pytest, requests
3def test_flask():
4    response = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/route')
5    assert response.status_code == 200

This small test just checks to make sure curling the route (with the Python requests library) returns a successful status code, 200.

As we have seen before, test scripts should be named strategically and organized into a subdirectory similar to:

├── data
│   └── dump.rdb
├── docker
│   ├── Dockerfile.api
│   └── Dockerfile.wrk
├── Makefile
├── src
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── test

Run the test simply by typing this in the top (my-api/) directory:

[isp02]$ pytest
========================= test session starts ==========================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-6.2.3, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/wallen/coe-332/my-api
collected 1 item

test/ .                                               [100%]

========================== 1 passed in 0.17s ===========================


Don’t forget to pip3 install --user pytest first.


Continue working in the test file,, and write a new functional test that use the requests library to make a GET request to the /jobs endpoint and check the response for, e.g.:

  • The response returns a 200 status code

  • The response returns a valid JSON string

  • The response can be decoded to a Python dictionary

  • Each element of the decoded list is a Python dictionary

  • Each dictionary in the result has two keys

  • Verify that the type of each key’s value is correct

Remember, your services should be running and as much as possible, functional tests should be testing the end-to-end functionality of your entire app.